How to manage Company Weekly Budgeting in ALZERP?


Company Weekly Budgeting in ALZERP

This feature allows you to set up and manage your company's weekly fixed expenses within the ALZERP cloud ERP software. Here's a breakdown of what each section does:

Weekly Fixed Expenses Setup:

  • Subsidiary Account: This is a broad category your expense falls under. In this example, "OPERATING EXPENSES" is selected. You'll likely have a dropdown menu with various expense categories.
  • Control Account: This is a more specific category within the Subsidiary Account. Here, "SALARIES EXPENSES (EMPLOYEE)" is chosen, indicating the expense is related to employee salaries.
  • A/C Head: This refers to the specific employee or department incurring the expense. Here, "ALI QAHTANI (BRANCH MANAGER)" is selected. There might be a dropdown menu with employee names or departments depending on your setup.
  • Weekly Amount: Enter the fixed weekly amount for this expense.
  • Link Expense with a Store: Assign the expense to a particular store location. In this case, "JEDDAH (MAIN WAREHOUSE)" is chosen. You'll likely have a dropdown menu with your store locations.
  • Status: Set the expense to "Active" if it's a recurring weekly cost, or "Inactive" if it's a one-time expense or no longer applies.

Saved List of Fixed Expenses:

This section provides a summary of your saved weekly fixed expenses. It will likely be a table with the following columns:

  • Sl.: Serial number for each expense entry.
  • Head ID: Unique identifier code for the expense.
  • Accounts Head: The name of the employee or department incurring the expense (e.g., ALI QAHTANI (BRANCH MANAGER)).
  • Amount: The fixed weekly amount for the expense.
  • Active: Indicates if the expense is currently recurring ("Active") or inactive ("Inactive").
  • Store Name: The store location associated with the expense (e.g., JEDDAH (MAIN WAREHOUSE)).
  • Edit/Delete: Buttons to modify or remove the specific expense entry.

This feature helps you manage your company's budget by:

  • Centralized Management: View and manage all your weekly fixed expenses in one place.
  • Categorization: Organize expenses by category, control account, and employee/department.
  • Store Allocation: Track expenses associated with specific store locations.
  • Easy Monitoring: Quickly see a list of your active and inactive expenses.
