Company Weekly Budgeting in ALZERP
This feature allows you to set up and manage your company's weekly fixed expenses within the ALZERP cloud ERP software. Here's a breakdown of what each section does:
Weekly Fixed Expenses Setup:
- Subsidiary Account: This is a broad category your expense falls under. In this example, "OPERATING EXPENSES" is selected. You'll likely have a dropdown menu with various expense categories.
- Control Account: This is a more specific category within the Subsidiary Account. Here, "SALARIES EXPENSES (EMPLOYEE)" is chosen, indicating the expense is related to employee salaries.
- A/C Head: This refers to the specific employee or department incurring the expense. Here, "ALI QAHTANI (BRANCH MANAGER)" is selected. There might be a dropdown menu with employee names or departments depending on your setup.
- Weekly Amount: Enter the fixed weekly amount for this expense.
- Link Expense with a Store: Assign the expense to a particular store location. In this case, "JEDDAH (MAIN WAREHOUSE)" is chosen. You'll likely have a dropdown menu with your store locations.
- Status: Set the expense to "Active" if it's a recurring weekly cost, or "Inactive" if it's a one-time expense or no longer applies.
Saved List of Fixed Expenses:
This section provides a summary of your saved weekly fixed expenses. It will likely be a table with the following columns:
- Sl.: Serial number for each expense entry.
- Head ID: Unique identifier code for the expense.
- Accounts Head: The name of the employee or department incurring the expense (e.g., ALI QAHTANI (BRANCH MANAGER)).
- Amount: The fixed weekly amount for the expense.
- Active: Indicates if the expense is currently recurring ("Active") or inactive ("Inactive").
- Store Name: The store location associated with the expense (e.g., JEDDAH (MAIN WAREHOUSE)).
- Edit/Delete: Buttons to modify or remove the specific expense entry.
This feature helps you manage your company's budget by:
- Centralized Management: View and manage all your weekly fixed expenses in one place.
- Categorization: Organize expenses by category, control account, and employee/department.
- Store Allocation: Track expenses associated with specific store locations.
- Easy Monitoring: Quickly see a list of your active and inactive expenses.
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